Dexter Hadley, MD, PhD

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Dr. Hadley’s expertise is in translating big data into precision medicine and digital health. He earned his PhD in genomics and computational biology while at medical school at PENN, and he trained in clinical pathology while at residency at Stanford. His research generates, annotates, and ultimately reasons over large multi-modal data stores to develop clinical intelligence, identify novel biomarkers and potential therapeutics for disease.

His early work at the Center for Applied Genomics at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia resulted in a successful precision medicine clinical trial for ADHD ( Identifier: NCT02286817) for a first-in-class, non-stimulant neuromodulator to be targeted across the neuropsychiatric disease spectrum. As an early principal investigator at the University of California San Francisco, his laboratory was funded by the NIH Big Data to Knowledge initiative to develop the as an open curation resource to discover the functional genes and biological pathways that are defective in disease.

He went on to develop NIH-funded models of curation for clinical applications of digital health to more precisely screen, diagnose, and manage disease. He was repeatedly recognized by UCSF with various awards including the inaugural Marcus Award for Precision Medicine to develop a digital learning health system to use smartphones to screen for skin cancer as well as a pilot award in precision imaging to better screen mammograms for invasive breast cancer.

As a new faculty member of the University of Central Florida College of Medicine, he is pioneering a new Division of Artificial Intelligence to leverage the transformative power of AI from medical school through clinical practice. In general, the end point of his work is rapid proofs of concept clinical trials in humans that translate into better patient outcomes and reduced morbidity and mortality across the spectrum of disease.

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