Female Asian Never Smoker (FANS) lung cancer project, and another project on breast cancer in Asian American women

Project Description

FANS is a case-control study of lung cancer in Asian American females who have never smoked, with the goal of identifying multilevel (environmental, social, biological) risk factors responsible for the high rate of lung cancer in this population (fansstudy.ucsf.edu). CRANE is a case-control study of breast cancer in Asian American women, to identify multilevel factors contributing to the increasing rates of breast cancer in these populations (cranestudy.ucsf.edu). Both studies are recruiting Asian American female cases and controls throughout California.

Institution: UCSF


  • Self-identify as Asian American and/or familiarity with Asian American culture


We are open to 1-2 interns who can help with community engagement activities, connecting with Asian-serving community organizations to promote the topics and the studies, developing study materials (including print, social media, etc). Students may develop independent projects around the topics of these projects, such as developing a social media campaign to raise awareness about lung cancer or breast cancer.

Point of Contact

Scarlett Gomez, MPH, PhD

Email: scarlett.gomez@ucsf.edu