Dr. Rebchook received his doctorate at the University of Colorado, Boulder in Sociocultural Psychology. He has been working in the HIV prevention field since 1987. Currently, Dr. Rebchook is the Division of Prevention Science Community Engagement Core Director. He is also the Associate Director of the Community Engagement Core on a NIMHD-funded Research Coordinating Center to Reduce Disparities in Multiple Chronic Diseases (RCC RD-MCD). He directs the UCSF CDC-funded Prevention Research Center (PRC).
He is the Principal Investigator on: (1) a HRSA-funded cooperative agreement--Providing Capacity Building Assistance to support innovative program models in the Ryan White Program study; (2) NIMH Ending the HIV Epidemic Supplement--Improving HIV prevention and care for transgender Latinas in Oakland, CA; and (3) Gilead's Improving HIV testing, PrEP services, and HIV care for transgender Latinas in Oakland, CA study.
He is a Co-Investigator on: (1) HRSA's Evidence-Informed Interventions to Improve Health Outcomes among People Living with HIV – Evaluation Center (E2i EC) project, and (2) HRSA's Building Capacity to Implement Rapid Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Start for Improved Care Engagement in the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program – Evaluation and Technical Assistance Provider (ETAP) project;
He is the Co-Principal Investigator on: (1) NIMH EHE Supplement--The Texas PrEP Implementation Study (TPIS), and (2) HRSA's Using Innovative Intervention Strategies (2iS) to Improve Health Outcomes among People with HIV Initiative – Evaluation Center (2iS EC).
His current research interests focus on implementation science and HIV prevention and engagement in care among transgender women of color and young gay/bisexual/and other men who have sex with men (MSM), especially with young African American men.
For more information and updates, visit here.
Email: greg.rebchook@ucsf.edu