My research program is focused on improving our understanding of the pathophysiologic mechanisms governing human papillomavirus (HPV)-induced cervical neoplasia and on translating these findings into the clinical arena.
Pressing public health issues arising from problems with the current cervical cancer screening test, the Pap smear, motivate my goal to define new biomarkers and devise a molecularly based test that will outperform the Pap test in sensitivity and specificity. Through my role as Director of the UCSF Dysplasia Clinic for the past 10 years, I have direct day-to-day involvement in the management of clinical issues deriving from HPV-induced disease and have attained national recognition as an expert in this area. By virtue of integration between my basic science research and my direct involvement with patient care, 1 am in a unique position to provide new insights into disease pathophysiology and translate these findings into new strategies for the diagnosis and therapy of this common condition. My progress towards this goal is outlined here
For more information and updates, visit here.
Phone: (415) 353-9600