Agents of Change (AoC) Merck Fellows Program

Updates [Summer 2024]

  • One deadline for all applicants
  • Competitive Renewals continue 
  • ***In-person orientation July 8th***

Upcoming Due Date

  • Deadline for all applicants: June 23, 2024 at 11:59pm


  • Fellows begin project/research with intention to complete by the end of the semester over a 4-month period 
  • Fellow is responsible for completing all requirements for the term they have been awarded for before being eligible to apply for renewal    

Goals of the AoC Fellows Program

  • Provide 4 months of funding for students who are engaged in transformative biomedical research projects that impact community health
  • Provide professional development for students in biomedical sciences who are engaged in radical social justice work
  • Connect students to a wider network of professionals and students working to support social justice in biomedical science

How will the AoC Fellows program benefit me in my career?

  • Support your academic and career trajectory in the biomedical field (e.g. Master’s, Ph.D., MD/Ph.D., MD, MPH)
  • Supply financial support for academic and professional development activities
  • Provide networking, peer mentoring, and community building
  • Stipend award
    • $7K for Grad and Post Bac Fellows 

    • $5K for Undergraduate Fellows  

Program Requirements and Expectations 

  • Attend in-person orientation on July 8th 2024 at SF State
  • Create Indivualized Development Plan (IDP) with Mentor
  • Submit IDP upon accepting award
  • Submit IDP evaluation at the end of the term
  • Participate in one AoC workshop a semester  
  • Complete 4 reflections through iLearn  
  • Culminating report back project (ie. final reflections, social media post)  


  • Currently enrolled as an undergraduate or master’s student at SFSU in a biomedical major or recently graduated from SFSU within 1 year.
  • Intent to pursue graduate or professional school within 1-2 years
  • Interested in biomedical research relevant to community health
  • Committed to social justice through the use of science
  • Currently involved in supporting community-engaged biomedical research. 


  • Fellows who complete all the term requirements and expectations will be eligible to apply for renewal for 1yr or 3 terms total.  

  • Renewals will be competitive due to budget constraints and are not guaranteed.  

  • To renew, go to this page.

Tax Information

Please note this award may be taxed please visit  for more information 

How to Apply

Students who are already working on a community engaged biomedical research/project with a UCSF or SFSU faculty member can also apply through the link below.